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    What is SIL level?

    SINO Testing Services

    | 2020-06-22|Return

    SIL is the acronym for "Safety Integrity Level", derived from two voluntary standards used by factory owners/operators to quantify safety performance requirements for hazardous operations:

    IEC 61508: Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety related systems

    IEC 61511: Safety Instrumented Systems in the Process Industry Sector

    According to the definition of IEC standards, there are four SIL levels (1-4). HigherSILlevelThis means greater process hazards and higher levels of protection required for SIS. Summarize how to determine SIL level, see Figure 1. The SIL level is a function of the frequency and severity of hazards. Hazards that may occur more frequently or have more serious consequences will have higher SIL levels.

    The required safety availability (RSA) value is synonymous with reliability: the probability that safety instrumented functions will fulfill their responsibilities in the face of hazardous process conditions.

    For more information on SIL certification, please contact Zhongnuo Testing directly

    Service hotline: 18924609560 (same WeChat account)

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