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    Current locations: Home Service Explosion proof certification in various countries
    Korean explosion-proof certification

    SINO Testing Services

    | 2020-06-22|Return

    Introduction to KCs certification:

    KCs certification is a safety certification issued by the South Korean Industrial Safety and Health Corps to ensure that special equipment, labor protection equipment, and protective devices meet safety certification standards. Special equipment is divided into several modes, including safety certification, free safety confirmation declaration, safety inspection, and free inspection program certification. Labor protection equipment and protective devices are divided into two modes: written review and product review.

    Authentication mode differentiation:






    Security certification


    Written inspection

    Review whether the design drawings and other technical documents of the type or type of machine, instrument, and equipment subject to safety certification comply with the safety certification standards

    Technical capabilities and

    Production system review

    To ensure the continuous maintenance of the safety performance of the certified machines, instruments, and equipment, review the technical capabilities and production systems required in the factory to ensure compliance with safety certification standards




    Review whether the safety performance of the machine, instrument, and equipment subject to safety certification meets the safety certification standards


    Confirmation review

    Confirm annually whether the manufacturer maintains the written review content, technical capabilities, system, production, etc. for safety certification

    Free Safety Confirmation Declaration (Importer, Manufacturer)

    Confirm whether the free safety confirmation object, machine, and instrument comply with self regulatory safety standards

    safety inspection

    Check if the safety performance of the machine, instrument, and equipment being certified meets the inspection standards

    Free Inspection Program Certification

    Negotiate between representatives of enterprises and workers to certify the implementation of free inspection procedures such as meeting inspection standards, inspection methods, and inspection cycles

    2. KCs certification/confirmation application object:

    Manufacturers and importers
    3. Scope of KCs certification:
    KCs security authentication object:

    1、 Corresponding machinery, instruments, and equipment for the following items

    1. Stamping machine

    2. Shear and bending machines

    3. Crane

    4. Elevator

    5. Pressure vessels

    6. Roller machine

    7. Injection molding machine

    8. High altitude work platform

    9. Flexible bottom high edge truck

    10. Mechanical saw (limited to mobiles type)

    2、 Corresponding protective devices for the following items

    1. Protective devices for stamping and shearing machines

    2. Overload prevention device for cranes

    3. Boiler pressure relief safety valve

    4. Pressure vessel pressure relief safety valve

    5. Pressure vessel pressure release bursting disc

    6. Insulation protective equipment and live working equipment

    7. Explosion proof construction electrical machinery, instruments and components

    8. Equipment and materials required for the prevention of hazards such as falls and fractures, as well as protection, as stipulated by the Chief of the Ministry of Employment and Labor

    3、 Protective equipment corresponding to the following items

    1. Safety helmets for preventing falls and electric shock hazards

    2. Safety shoes

    3. Safety gloves

    4. Dust mask

    5. Anti gas mask

    6. Ventilation mask

    7. Electric respiratory protective equipment

    8. Protective clothing

    9. Seat belts

    10. Light blocking and anti flying goggles

    11. Welding protective mask

    12. Anti noise earplugs or earmuffs

    ※ The detailed types, specifications, and types of machinery and equipment subject to safety certification shall be in accordance with the regulations of the Minister of Labor for employment

    KCs self regulatory safety confirmation targets machinery, appliances, etc
    1、 The machinery, appliances, and equipment corresponding to the following items

    1. Cutting or grinding machines (excluding portable ones)

    2. Industrial robots

    3. Mixer

    4. Crusher or crusher

    5. Food processing machinery (limited to crushing, shearing, stirring, and pressing machines)

    6. Conveyor belt

    7. Car maintenance hoist

    8. Machine tools (lathes, electric drills, planers, milling machines)

    9. Fixed wood processing machinery (limited to circular saws, planers, engraving machines, band saws, and trimming machines)

    10. Printing machine

    11. Pressure regulating chamber

    2、 Corresponding protective devices for the following items

    1. Safety devices for acetylene welding equipment or gas collection welding equipment

    2. Anti electric shock device for AC arc welding

    3. Emergency stop device for roller machine

    4. Cutting machine cover

    5. Anti rebound device and anti saw blade contact device for woodworking circular saws

    6. Power manual planer blade contact prevention device

    7. Industrial robot safety mat
    8. The installation equipment required for the prevention of falling and breaking hazards and protection as stipulated by the Chief of the Ministry of Employment and Labor (excluding item 7 of item 1 and item 2)

    3、 Protective equipment corresponding to the following items

    1. Safety helmet (excluding item 1, item 3, item 1)

    2. Goggles (excluding item 1, item 3, item 10)

    3. Protective mask (excluding item 11 of item 1, item 3)

    4. Submarine (including diving helmet and mask)


    ※ The detailed types, specifications, and types of machinery and equipment subject to safety certification shall be in accordance with the regulations of the Minister of Labor for employment

    4. KCs certification cycle:

    6-8 months

    5. Certification mark:

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